
growing up with a homemaker mom and a nature-loving dad has made me an aficionado of all things domestic and homemade. since i spend many blissed out hours stirring and stitching, i thought i’d pull together this blog in an attempt to modestly share some of my creations. stirandstitch will include my favourite kitchen-works (predominantly, but not exclusively, based on butter and/or chocolate), as well as some most excellent handmade accessories (crocheting and sewing being my usual obsessions).

while i could happily spend my days creating, dog-cuddling and tea-brewing, punctuated with daily runs and weekly crosswords, reality has me making a living as a nurse. i keep a cozy home in the wild woods of ontario with my tall, dark and handsome husband (TDHH) and our two big and sunny dogs.

feel free to say hello or leave a comment, and for goodness’ sake, PLEASE correct any punctuation or spelling mistakes (for which i will be eternally grateful)*. enjoy!

*yes, i deliberately write in lowercase, not to be dismissive or lazy, but because i find it softer and easier to read.

52 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: the enigmatic ginger crunch | stirandstitch

  2. A girl after my own heart! I think I’m going to like you. Thanks for popping by my blog, too.

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog! it looks like we share a lot of the same interests – and a penchant for lower case ๐Ÿ˜€ incidentally I haven’t talked about it on my blog yet but I am obsessed with ginger. *obsessed*

  4. Thought Iยดd pop over after you visited my blog – seems like we enjoy a lot of the same things! Am going to have a better look around now….

  5. Heya! I just thought I’d let you know I’ve awarded you a Leibster Award! Check it out: http://beautifullysewn.com/2012/02/25/my-leibster-shoutouts/

  6. What a lovely blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Pingback: It’s nice to be recognized… | Lemon Salt

  8. loverbean

    Hello Stir and Stitch,
    I nominated you for the Kreative Blogger award. Please see my post at http://lemonsalt.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/its-nice-to-be-recognized/
    if you are interested in accepting!

    Best blogging wishes,

  9. littlepostcards

    What a pretty blog! I see so many entries I want to go back and spend time with. Baking and fabric/wool exploration are two of my favorite things! Thanks for stopping by my little corner and commenting.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love your’s – my kitchen-handicapped self is very inspired by your beautifully delicious-looking recipes

  11. Just love the creativity here… love the crochet hat so much I want to learn to crochet ๐Ÿ˜‰
    So here’s a little something from my blog to yours. Do check it out and I hope you like it http://averilgomes.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/its-not-blurry-any-more-and-a-couple-of-blog-awards/

    have a great weekend

  12. You’ve done it again–I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Congrats, and thanks for the inspiration! http://tinykitchenstories.com/2012/05/06/big-kitchen-happiness/

  13. Pingback: Big Kitchen Happiness! « tinykitchenstories

  14. tricotreat

    Great blog! Thanks for stopping by mine ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Hi, nice to meet you! I also share your interests and I’m glad I found your blog! (I agree about the ‘lowercase only’ writing, but my iPhone takes over in grammar correcting mode.) God bless you!

  16. I nominated you for a couple of awards today! Stop by when you have a moment and pickup your badges…Amy

  17. Kayla Bates

    I saw your comment on my blog and popped over for a peek, and the first thing I noticed? Ontario! I can’t explain why, but for the past few weeks, I’ve been fascinated with Canada and desperately want to go for a vacation there. This has very little to do with anything, but I thought I’d share how excited I am to see that you not only sew absolutely precious things, but are Canadian! Quite envious. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. lovely blog and lovely projects, thanks for chekingout my blog. i just started sewing and hope i’ll reach our level oneday ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I think you have a fantastic blog, I’d like to nominate you for the illuminating blogger award! See what it’s all about here: http://lovelybuns.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/illuminating-blogger-award/

  20. peaches+gingham

    Thanks for dropping by my blog – it looks like we enjoy a lot of the same things. I’ll be checking in often! (Chocolate + Butter…MMM!)

  21. My brother has relocated to Canada inthe past 2 years so I’m interested in Canadians visiting my blog site because it makes me feel closer to him somehow. Yours is really interesting so I’ll be back!

    • stirandstitch

      that’s so nice! i can kind of relate, as i spent a year in the uk and i miss it terribly. i’m always drawn to british blogs, and i love those that show photos of their surrounds (like yours)! canada is indeed a long ways away from devon – i hope you get to visit each other soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. nutsfortreasure


    I have an award for you over at my place when you have time


  23. Hi. I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. I hope you can accept it and pass it on to your favourites. I also hope you can take it as an appreciation from my part.
    Here are the rules: http://poppygoeshappy.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/wow-a-liebster-award/
    P.S: I forgot to include, that the nominee has to come up with 11 new questions… ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a nice day!

  24. Hi, I have just nomimated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Hope you enjoy participating, find out what it’s all about here: http://lovelybuns.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  25. Thanks for visiting my blog – I like your approach to both stirring and stitching!

  26. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and wanted to share your wonderful creativity with my readers. Cheers to you! http://www.schoolofmoxie.com/2013/01/the-liebster-award/

  27. Whit B Nimble

    I love crosswords, attempting to sew & bake (though I’m not as talented as you), AND I have a talk, dark and handsome love, too! Let’s be bloggy friends! ^^

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